Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Roman Empire and Han Dynasty free essay sample

The Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were two of the most powerful civilizations to rule over their empires. Both the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire had tremendous amounts of accomplishments, they both ended in total destruction, but they both differed in how they achieved there power, the Han Dynasty gained their power through Legalism, and the Roman Empire became successful using a republic government. The accomplishments of the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire are both astounding. Augustus, the first emperor of the Roman empire, had ended hundreds of years of civil war, he increased nd increased trade and commerce. After time passed another line of power started by Vespasian was recognized as the golden age of the Roman Empire. We will write a custom essay sample on Roman Empire and Han Dynasty or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page While all of this was happening in the Roman empire, the east was growing rapidly, known as the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty received as much success and accomplishment as the Roman Empire. Liu Bang, was a well liked leader, he lowered taxes, called for less needs of labor from the state, and carefully picked loyal officers. The Han Dynasty eventually opened a famous road known as the Silk Road. Overall, the Han Dynasty and the Roman Empire were very successful civilizations. Even though the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty were both very successful, you can only have so much luck, and it only lasts so long. For the Roman Empire, the beginning of the end was when the emperor Commodus had violent practices, and didnt respect the leaders. He was later assassinated. The Romans began to lose power, were submerged in debt when they tried to buy the loyalty of the army, and it was a downward spiral in all areas. The Han dynasty, considered by scholars had ended due to the loss of the mandate of heaven, because the people of the Han Dynasty believed in Confucianism, everything turned to chaos, when the emperor asnt in touch with the gods. The Roman empire and the Han dynasty were both very successful and powerful civilizations but ended due to weak leaders, and the want of too much power. Though the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty are very alike, the main difference was the way in which they came to power, and their governments. The Han Dynasty gained their power through legalism and Confucinasim, when the Han Dynasty ended, scholars believed in was due to the loss of the mandate of heaven. Which has to do with there beliefs, and there way of leading their civilizations. The Roman Empire on the other hand Roman Empire and Han Dynasty By laure115

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