Friday, December 27, 2019

The Department Of Homeland Security - 2852 Words

The Department of homeland Security (DHS) is a body responsible for maintaining the security and safety of the United States from attack by terrorists and other possible disasters. DHS was created after the attack by terrorists on 11th September 2001 and it has immensely focused on federal preparations of dealing with terrorism while at the same time trying to manage other important duty which includes ensuring security of the borders and taking part in customs and emergency management practices. Even with all these it is doing, the department has not escaped from accusation for having a fixation on terrorism which has resulted in substantial criticism and controversy, which also contains accusations of violating civil liberties (Perl 2004). Just one month after the attack, legislations were introduced to create this Department of Homeland Security. DHS was born in the wake of anti-terrorism focus, in which much attention was diverted to the formation of a new National Threat Advisory system. The system applied colour coded level in expressing the state of security, whereby green signified low threat while red signified severe threats. Many DHS officers were given the responsibility of preparing for the upcoming terror attack in an attempt to minimise the effects of such assaults. In creation of DHS, there are some agencies which opted to maintain their names and missions while others terminated their existence and their responsibilities distributed among the newly createdShow MoreRelatedThe Department Of Homeland Security : The Department Of Homeland Security755 Words   |  4 PagesThe Department of Homeland Security (DHS) currently has a limited ability to persistently monitor, detect, and track, non-emitting vessels that operate in Customs Waters, which spans from the shore line out to 12 nautical miles. The volume of non-emitting vessels without metadata is due in part by the lack of regulatory policy mandating vessels broadcast their identification and location which would assist with Maritime Domain Awareness. This limited ability situates DHS in need to mature the MaritimeRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1263 Words   |  6 PagesOne of the biggest security agencies in which we have today is the Department of Homeland Security. They were created in 2001-2003 to stop any threats or terrorist attacks towards the United States. They employ many people from different fields since they need overall intelligence on things. The department has roughly over 100 agencies branching from them. Homeland security was created not that long ago. It is located in Washington DC in the Nebraska Avenue Complex and that’s where it started.Read MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay786 Words   |  4 Pagesdeter and prevent attacks on our homeland and as well as deter and threats from potentially occurring. Following 9/11, the Department of Defense has been entrusted with the role in the management of risks facing the United Sates. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has stated that it will apply risk management principles to homeland security operations and has stated â€Å"Ultimately, homeland security is about effectively managing risks to the Nation’s security† (DHS 2010, pg. 2). This is muchRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay1314 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction The People of United States of America want nothing more than making sure that this country is safe and protected. When homeland security is mentioned, majority of the people think of terrorist threats. The Department of Homeland security does more than preventing terrorist attacks. The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of the United States from both man-made and natural disasters. Created in the aftermath of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacksRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1338 Words   |  6 Pagesthe country within its borders. Until that time the United States’ homeland security was under the jurisdiction of the Department of Justice (Masse, O’Neil, Rollins, 2007). After the attack the Executive branch of the government created a new organization that would be responsible for deciding where the biggest threats to the country were. This was the birth of the Department of Homeland Security. The Departme nt of Homeland Security is responsible for assessing all risk to the Nation within its bordersRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1176 Words   |  5 PagesCitizens criticize policies in national security as infringing on civil liberties, and an ongoing debate ensues over the sacrifice of civil liberties in the name of national security. The DHS continues to evolve in analyzing future threats and identifying means for the organization to meet them. The DHS’s overall mission is to, â€Å"†¦ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.† (U.S. Department of Homeland Security 2015, np). The overall mission of theRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1336 Words   |  6 PagesThe Homeland Security enterprise is tasked with protecting our country from all threats to include threats that have not yet revealed themselves. There’s a few methods used to identify these threats, but I’m going to cover just one of those methods in particularly. To better explain the role of risk management, first I’ll break down the steps of risk management and explain each one individually. After I have fully addressed the basics of risk management, I’ll go more in depth on why the DepartmentRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security Essay1380 Words   |  6 Pageshow does one calculate risk? The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has developed a risk management system to help address risks, primarily terrorism risks. It is important to realize that this is a system. Comprising this system of risk management are some key steps, such as the risk assessment and decision making. The overall risk management process employed by DHS is still in a stage of evolution and provides many areas of debate. The Department of Homeland Security’s Risk Management FundamentalsRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security1602 Words   |  7 PagesThe Department of Homeland Security The Department of Homeland Security is an agency made up of 22 different federal agencies which were combined in an effort to streamline the United States effectiveness in defending our nation. The core mission of the Department of Homeland Security include prevent terrorism and enhancing security, secure and manage our borders, enforce and administer our immigration laws, safeguard and secure cyberspace, ensure resilience to disasters (Department of Homeland SecurityRead MoreThe Department Of Homeland Security991 Words   |  4 PagesIntroduction Considering the Department of Homeland Security (DHS)has only initiated actions in 2003, it has performed necessary security procedures and accomplished significant purposes and breakthroughs. As DHS progresses to grow, more activity predominates for them to address weaknesses in its current operational strategy. Implementation efforts are in place to strengthen the efficiency and to integrate its management areas (acquisitions, financial management, human capital, and information technology)

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Great Depression And World War II - 1280 Words

Sisters of Growth Throughout the beginning of time people have used art to express themselves. With each major, and minor, there is an artist that captures the world as it is around him. There are also artists that create fiction to give the world and escape from reality. The medium of art that will be discussed in this essay will be film. Since the invention of Thomas Jefferson kinecto graph and the Lumiere brothers cinemtograph, films have continued to be the most popular entertainment methods in France and America. Since historical events have somewhat of an impact on the content in film, this essay will take a look at the effects of films years before and after World II. World War II was one of the major historical events to have†¦show more content†¦In 1894 they created what was called a Cinà ©matographe. With the birth of the cinema camera a new medium of expression was born. Thus allowing artists to capture life in a new light. THE HOLLYWOOD MACHINE During The Great Depression going to the cinema was the best way to escape the harsh grip of reality. One could go buy a movie ticket and watch â€Å"a cartoon, a newsreel, a B-feature and the main film, which amounted to something like four hours entertainment for a nickel, the price back then of a gallon of petrol or a packet of cigarettes.† Early in the 30s films were about being rich and carefree. As the Depression took hold of the audience members and the filmmakers, films that touched on the topic of gangsters, social injustice, involving war, and being broke grew in popularity. Following this period of extreme social tension films began to climb and climb higher on the ladder of popularity and fantasy. More and more films about were being written and produced. (Whitington, 2008) By the 50s Hollywood had became a factory for film production. Movies Ranches, also known as production houses and production studios, had created an assembly line of film creation. These ranches such as MGM, Warner Bros, and Universal kept a staff of actors, writers and directors that would constantly make movies to turn a profit. Each of these studios made similar movies with a similar plot. Many of these films dealt with falling in love,

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Business Processes

Question: What is the business processes of the current system? Answer: Following are key business processes of the current system: Prepare delivery sheet In this, the delivery of all newspapers is done in all the zones in all directions. Each zone has a data from its representative that delivers the sheet. The arrangement of the newspaper is done according to the first address. According to the house address, the sequence of the paper is been arranged. Create Account Customer name, address, name of the new papers required, starting date, amount owing and end date and status will be provided to the aspiring customers. Once the date is noted and booked, the system starts validating the data. Initially, it will check the availability of email address, if the customer is already present in the system. If yes, then they will not be added as a new member and they will show the message of already existing email ID. Cancel account There are two ways that account can be canceled, one is the newspaper stopping for specific time. Which means the newspaper delivery is not completely stopped, but for a duration of time. However, another one is the delivery of newspaper cancellation for any period. Create invoice This is the process when invoice is been created for each of the registered home. This process is been carried out at the end of every month. During the process it checks with the cancellation and dues of the customers. Lastly, it checks with the discounts that are offered and the final draft is made. User interface References Fowler, M. (2004).UML distilled. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Fowler, M. Scott, K. (2001).UML. Paris: CampusPress. Larman, C. (2005).Applying UML and patterns. Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall PTR. Maksimchuk, R. Naiburg, E. (2005).UML for mere mortals. Boston: Addison-Wesley. Podeswa, H. (2005).UML for the IT business analyst. Boston, MA: Thomson Course Technology PTR.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Opera Music free essay sample

Opera gained popularity ring the Baroque period as composers began experimenting with complex musical ornamentation for the voice. Themes explored In operas written during this period include poetry, religious stories and mythology. Many of the flirts operas composed early in the Baroque period survive only in fragments or have been lost altogether. However, Claudio Monteverdi Oleomargarine did Poppa, which received its premiere in 1643, continues to be performed. One composer active during the latter part of the era was George Frederic Handel, perhaps most widely recognized today for is oratorios, such as Messiah.Examples of his operatic works Include Sere and Gluon Cesar. The late Baroque opera emphasized virtuosity In vocal singing. The brief ad capo aria soon superseded the strophic variation and was established as a vocal form. At least equally important was the bipartite aria, which consisted of only A and B or their variations. In contrast with the late Baroque opera and its rigid alternation of recitative and aria, the middle Baroque opera retained great formal flexibility. We will write a custom essay sample on Opera Music or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page During the progress of opera from Its primitive forms, the words started to SSE their Importance and the music was dominating over words again, Classical Operas expansion and evolution owes a great deal of gratitude to the Baroque era of the early eighteenth century, but where Baroque opera was mainly designed and created for aristocracy or royal audiences, Classical opera branched out as a form of musical entertainment for the general public using the opera house as a center of experimentation. The population of the middle class would eventually become the mainstream participant engaging in opera entertainment as a response to aristocratic forms of opera. With the Classical Era came both the decay and subsequent reformation of the Italian opera serial, or serious opera. Its once dramatic and emotional presentation had evolved into a showy and artificial art form. Although many musicians of the time realized the tragic decline of the opera serial, change took place slowly.To try and restore the opera serial to its former greatness, composers made certain changes in their writing styles. While not everyone agreed upon or employed these changes, many of them can be found in some of the operas of the late 18th century. During the same time, the comedic opera began developing. This type of opera was in sharp contrast to the opera serial. It catered more to the people who wanted to revolt against the more serious and dramatic opera.Opera Music ay Ally-Allegro ere foundations of opera are often traced to the late Renaissance era, to a group intellectuals gathered in Florence under the patronage of Count Giovanni Bard to ornamentation for the voice. Themes explored in operas written during this period include poetry, religious stories and mythology. Many of the first operas composed However, Claudio Monteverdi L Incorporation did Poppa, which received its is oratorios, such as Messiah. Examples of his operatic works include Sere and Gigolo Cesar.The late Baroque opera emphasized virtuosity in vocal singing. The local form. At least equally important was the bipartite aria, which consisted of only flexibility. During the progress of opera from its primitive forms, the words started to lose their importance and the music was dominating over words again. Classical subsequent reformation of the Italian opera serial, or serious opera. Its once dramatic No wanted to revolt against the more serious and dramatic opera.